
Posts Tagged ‘cycle rides’

Notre Dame de Nizes and Back

February 27, 2012 3 comments

I seem to be in a mood of wild experimentation. For months, when I rode, I rode in the late afternoon after my nap. This is nearly impossible between November and January if I don’t get to sleep fast. Seemed too much effort in the morning, too cold and too short, but then I get up a bit late. But today, even though I got up at the same lazy time, I manage to ride for almost two hours. Not all of it downhill, I have to say (250 metres of climbing). It was a pleasure. Very slow and feeling rather weak all over, but I got where I wanted to go and came back. I rode to Lunas on the other side of the river, not the main road, a rather nice view of an old local mining town. A declining mining town, even if supported by central government plus a few new immigrants, is a declining mining town. But it looks good from a distance. Coal. All shut now. The town in the photo is the home of the current female cycling champion of France. I got passed by her once on her time trial bike. I don’t know her at all.

By the way, I was told everyone like photos, so posts with photos might be good. Later more writing, unless I keep riding every other day or so. That would be nice. The weather has showed us what is coming, even if I am not convinced it is Spring.

Lunas is not that far from my house, 16k maybe. One is well warmed up by then. It has a chateau and is pretty. The photos below are of a local work of art. A serious and committed person has built a mock Occitan village at the edge of the real village. On the hill. You can see if you look closely, a lot of work. There are no live people in the shot. By clicking on the names of shops or activities under the photo at the URL, or on any area of the photo, you get closeups of the village. Judy and Don, definitely take a look on the site, you’d like it.

But I had a goal for this morning. So I rode another few k up this little road which goes nowhere really, but does form part of various roads that go to various hamlets I know nothing about. You have to climb to reach them. I got to my destination, a church. Notre Dame de Nizes. On the little map here You can see the road, but the church is not marked. Actually you can hook up with another road and go over the hill and descend to Lunas or turn right and go up toward Lodeve. The pass is 602 metres. But that connection is not on the little map. I don’t think the light was great for a shot of the church, but there is my photo. I turned around and semi-freewheeled back to Lunas. No traffic at all, except one car. Very quiet. Of course the shots on the site are better, they waited for the light to be right.There is a story.  A few metres away is the miraculous fountain that cures eyes. I must check that out next time.

I stopped in Lunas partly because the idea of sitting by the river for a bit was appealing. I took the shots of Lunas from that spot. Very tidy village, only 600 people in full summer. A few immigrants, mostly white ones. The chateau is lovely, and does serve food. It looks better if the sun shines on it and the river is fuller with ducks on it, but I was not there at the right time. I have never heard any report about the food that makes me want to eat there, although I would like to try it one day. I only takes 20 minutes to drive there. I guess they have regular slightly fatty French food with great surroundings. Dutch guy cooks, I heard. Just below is a kind of virtual Tour of Lunas I found while looking for an explanation of the fake village on the hill.érault/#/point/43.707382/3.193326/117.21/3.74/2/

Then I took the main road home. Never felt very strong on this ride. Able to do it, kept going, had a good time stopping to take photos, but I was not feeling strong. Be patient, although it may never happen. On the other hand, I felt quite good about the ride. Perhaps if I learn a bit more about taking photos I could get together a little series, send them off to the CTC mag if they still do it. I really am a cyclo-tourist at heart. Although I would like to further and explore more territory around here. It’s not bad around here for riding a bike, not bad at all.

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